oloresng 03/11/2023 2272 0


If like me, you live in Nigeria, then you know that the deluge is thankfully easing. The days of the endless weeping of the clouds is giving way to the sweltering heat which heralds the harmattan season that makes the end of the year special. If you live in Lagos with its penchant for flooding and disruption when it rains, you are grateful for this. I am. The one thing I will miss though, is the scent the earth gives off just when it starts to rain. 


How memorable is the smell of rain?


The speed with which your brain recalls the scent is answer enough. I like to imagine it as the fragrance of the earth as it yields its dryness while embracing and retaining the wetness of the rain. The scent is stronger especially after a dry spell and invokes memories for many, yours truly inclusive. The thing about memorable scents, especially natural ones, is that they linger and establish relationships with the senses and by so doing invoke strong emotions with a positive and calming effect on one’s general wellbeing. Mother Nature has so graciously provided us many scents and smells for a variety of purposes but petrichor, the smell of rain, is one of nature’s most memorable scents and replicating it is one of the greatest feats of chandlers. 


At Olores, we understand the importance of scents and fragrances for the wellbeing of the human. We understand the impact scents (or a lack of it) have on the quality of a person’s life and strive to carefully create our vast range of scents and fragrances, dispensed in a variety of means to meet this critical human need. As chandlers of repute, we know that scents promote harmony, peace, positive energy and a joie de vivre that we all desperately need to thrive in our stressful world. 


If warm and earthy fragrances are your fare, you must try our Lemongrass, Garden Mint Tea and Ladan range of scented candles, reed diffusers, room and fabric sprays.

The smell of your home, office, clothes and beddings ought to be pleasantly memorable. It is in these spaces we will spend a big chunk of our earthly lives so why shouldn’t we invest in making those times memorable? We require positive energy in our offices and business places to churn out our best output, and while at it, we want those who come in and share these spaces with us to be encouraged to do business with us. The same can be said for our homes which are our sanctuaries, our escape from the madding crowd, our fort. What better way is there to design a business place or home than to invest in the interior essence of it?


A fleeting scent is just as important as a long-lasting scent. In fact, in some cases, it is more important. The senses like to be soothed and not attacked; to be titillated and not assaulted. 






How pleasant is the smell of your home? How memorable is the smell of your office? Olores’ wide range of products will speak for you. Humans are said to be able to detect one trillion different smells.

Allow Olores to brand you and your spaces with a distinct one. Choose today from our range of luxury fragrances. Have a difficulty in making a choice? Not a problem! Share your thoughts with us here, on our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter: @Oloresng and with our Sales Reps on - (234) 08079140644.

We would be more than happy to help making a decision. One thing is certain: with Olores you can never smell, sorry, go wrong!

Tags: smell of rain earthy fragrances rain scents holiday scents scents

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